A routine stopover on a planet of the Chapapoya system has turned into a real nightmare. Nero (the fuzzy tan thingy) was kidnapped, and barely rescued by his sexy friend Nikki. Unfortunately, this happens to be the:
Needless to say, they're (the cyborgs) out for blood, namely Nero's and Nikki's. If the cyborgs weren't bad enough, if they diddle too long on a level, their boss The Waster makes his appearance!!
STARtoons is a FPS (First Person Shooter) remake of the classic arcade game "Berzerk". Your main (hell, your only) objective is to stay alive as long as you can. Avoid the cyborgs while you blast them with your pulse gun, while keeping your eyes peeled for the cyborgs' mastermind, The Waster!
The game runs at 800x600 resolution with 32 bit colors.
Mouse - Look around, aim, and turn left and right
(aim with your weapon's laser sight)
Up arrow - Move forward
Down arrow - Move backwards
Left/Right arrow - Strafe left/right
Left mouse button - Fire
1 - FPS view (out the eyes)
2 - 3rd person view
P - Pause the game
ESC - Quit
No install needed
Needless to say, they're (the cyborgs) out for blood, namely Nero's and Nikki's. If the cyborgs weren't bad enough, if they diddle too long on a level, their boss The Waster makes his appearance!!
STARtoons is a FPS (First Person Shooter) remake of the classic arcade game "Berzerk". Your main (hell, your only) objective is to stay alive as long as you can. Avoid the cyborgs while you blast them with your pulse gun, while keeping your eyes peeled for the cyborgs' mastermind, The Waster!
The game runs at 800x600 resolution with 32 bit colors.
Mouse - Look around, aim, and turn left and right
(aim with your weapon's laser sight)
Up arrow - Move forward
Down arrow - Move backwards
Left/Right arrow - Strafe left/right
Left mouse button - Fire
1 - FPS view (out the eyes)
2 - 3rd person view
P - Pause the game
ESC - Quit
No install needed