A remake of the 1984 classic Arcade game 1984 Encounter by Novagen Software.
2nd. Encounter is made for the Retro Remakers Competition 2006 my version is a Remake of the game Encounter! The Original game by Paul Woakes was puplished 1984 by Novagen Software . I dont know exactly the story , but what i know is that you landed on a Planet where some aliens use robot Bots for training. After your landing on the Planet the training system automaticly activates and your fight for survival begins. Read the read me (if you have downloaded it) for more info
left : rotates left
right : rotates right
up : moves forward
down: moves backward
Ctrl/Strg : Fire bullets
ALT : changes Fire mode (if unlocked)
2nd. Encounter is made for the Retro Remakers Competition 2006 my version is a Remake of the game Encounter! The Original game by Paul Woakes was puplished 1984 by Novagen Software . I dont know exactly the story , but what i know is that you landed on a Planet where some aliens use robot Bots for training. After your landing on the Planet the training system automaticly activates and your fight for survival begins. Read the read me (if you have downloaded it) for more info
left : rotates left
right : rotates right
up : moves forward
down: moves backward
Ctrl/Strg : Fire bullets
ALT : changes Fire mode (if unlocked)