"Barbarian" or "Death Sword", released by Palace
Software in 1987 (for the C64 version).
It is a fighting game, where you must defeat the
seven best fighters of rax, before fighting Drax
The game supports 3 modes:
{b]1 player game:
This is the story mode. You must defeat all the
seven opponents and Drax in order to win the game
2 players game:
This is the duel mode, two human players fight on
the same screen.
Network battle:
In this mode you can fight against a remote opponent.
One player needs to host a game, and the second one
must connect to this game.
You can configure the TCP ports used by the game.
The connection is based on IP.
The game is controled either by using the keys
and/or a joystick. In the configuration menu of
the game, you can modify the keys and the
joystick ID for each player (up to 2).
The left side fighter controls are:
Without [Fire] control pressed:
[UP] : Jump
[UP + RIGHT] : Protect Body
: Move Forward
[RIGHT + DOWN] : Roll Forward
[DOWN] : Crouch
[DOWN + LEFT] : Roll Back
: Move Back
[LEFT + UP] : Protect Head
With [Fire] control pressed:
[UP] : Neck Shop
[UP + RIGHT] : Head Butt
: Body Chop
[RIGHT + DOWN] : Kick
[DOWN] : Leg Shop
[DOWN + LEFT] : Overhead Chop
: Flying Neck Shop
[LEFT + UP] : Web Of Death
The right side fighter controls are the same than
the left side fighter ones, but swapped left/right.
The other controls of the game:
Pause Key : Pause the game
F1 - F12 : Throw an insult to your opponent
(network mode only)