In a land far away, there exists a futuristic metropolis called BoblinLand. The inhabitants(Boblins), have quite sophisticated intelligence and have evolved their city into a highly durable and efficient bubble city. No Boblin is safe outside of their protective domes.
Throughout the years Boblin have enjoyed a very prosperous life without things like crime, disease, warfare, poverty, and all those other 'plagues' that seem to infect other worlds. They have achieved a sense of global peace.
One day though, this false sense of security was tested. An outside force, looking to overtake and dominate other worlds, threatened the very existence of BoblinLand. Without warning, Boblin were being abducted sporadically. The sky was literally littered with bubbles escaping the city.
Promptly, the Boblins turned on their Alien Defence System. They had hoped that this super weapon would never have to be used. But being the intelligent Boblin they were, they built the weapon just in case a time like this might happen. And they vowed only to use it in the extreme of circumstances.
Well, the time had come. The ADS was activated and Boblin were promptly being rescued. At the same time, many Boblin were lost. The ADS was not a perfect machine, but it got the job done. Boblin all over BoblinLand were so scared wondering when their time was up. They raced about the city madly, trying to escape the force of the alien ships. There was no hiding from the alien threat.
It seemed all hope was placed in the hands of their Controller, an omniscient being who governs the lives of all Boblin. All they could do now, was pray that their mighty Controller would be able to save all of BoblinLand and restore peace as it was.
The fate of the Boblins is in your hands. Mighty Controller.
Left Mouse: laser shot(pop bubbles with this)
Right Mouse: capture bubble(rescue Boblin with this)
ESC key: (exits Practice Mode and other screens)
(prompts to exit game)
F1 key: (activates the info screen)
'-' key: (music off)
'+' key: (music on)
P key: (pause game)
System Requirements:
Win 98/2000/NT
20 MB of free memory
400Mhz Pentium III or higher
96MB RAM or higher
DirectX 6.0 or higher
a good responsive mouse*
Mike's Note:
No install needed
tested with XP - works fine
Throughout the years Boblin have enjoyed a very prosperous life without things like crime, disease, warfare, poverty, and all those other 'plagues' that seem to infect other worlds. They have achieved a sense of global peace.
One day though, this false sense of security was tested. An outside force, looking to overtake and dominate other worlds, threatened the very existence of BoblinLand. Without warning, Boblin were being abducted sporadically. The sky was literally littered with bubbles escaping the city.
Promptly, the Boblins turned on their Alien Defence System. They had hoped that this super weapon would never have to be used. But being the intelligent Boblin they were, they built the weapon just in case a time like this might happen. And they vowed only to use it in the extreme of circumstances.
Well, the time had come. The ADS was activated and Boblin were promptly being rescued. At the same time, many Boblin were lost. The ADS was not a perfect machine, but it got the job done. Boblin all over BoblinLand were so scared wondering when their time was up. They raced about the city madly, trying to escape the force of the alien ships. There was no hiding from the alien threat.
It seemed all hope was placed in the hands of their Controller, an omniscient being who governs the lives of all Boblin. All they could do now, was pray that their mighty Controller would be able to save all of BoblinLand and restore peace as it was.
The fate of the Boblins is in your hands. Mighty Controller.
Left Mouse: laser shot(pop bubbles with this)
Right Mouse: capture bubble(rescue Boblin with this)
ESC key: (exits Practice Mode and other screens)
(prompts to exit game)
F1 key: (activates the info screen)
'-' key: (music off)
'+' key: (music on)
P key: (pause game)
System Requirements:
Win 98/2000/NT
20 MB of free memory
400Mhz Pentium III or higher
96MB RAM or higher
DirectX 6.0 or higher
a good responsive mouse*
Mike's Note:
No install needed
tested with XP - works fine