Castle Attack 2 is the sequel to Firefly Studios' 2001 mini-game, Castle Attack. Developed in Shockwave® for easy distribution, Castle Attack 2 is a free mini game based on the Stronghold® universe.
Castle Attack 2 borrows some of the gameplay dynamics from Stronghold 2, Firefly's upcoming Castle Sim, but certain things have been altered to make Castle Attack 2 more fun, and stay true to the original Castle Attack. The biggest of these changes is that the enemies in Castle Attack are able to knock down the castle walls with their weapons - Troops in Stronghold 2 will not be able to knock down castle walls in this fashion.
Castle Attack 2 borrows some of the gameplay dynamics from Stronghold 2, Firefly's upcoming Castle Sim, but certain things have been altered to make Castle Attack 2 more fun, and stay true to the original Castle Attack. The biggest of these changes is that the enemies in Castle Attack are able to knock down the castle walls with their weapons - Troops in Stronghold 2 will not be able to knock down castle walls in this fashion.