This is Jet Boarder, a freeware racing game with an interesting twist: it uses just one button for control. It was created for the One Switch Competition, a compo for one switch games by Retroremakes and One Switch UK. The idea is to make gaming more acessible for people with disabilities (this doesn't mean that Jet Boarder is easy). Press space to turn right, release to turn left. In menus, press space to change options and hold it to select. Try finishing the tracks in the least possible time and watch your energy that runs out when colliding with obstacles!
Fire - Joystick button 1, space or mouse left button.
Pause - Joystick button 2, ESC or mouse right button.
F10 - Toggles frame display on/off.
F12 - Saves a screenshot in the game folder.
Press fire to go right. Release to go left. Jet Boarder accelerates automatically, so be careful! Even for a one switch game, this game has tight controls.
Your objective is to reach the finish line before time runs out, or your energy is depleted. There are items that will help you, or not...
Fire - Joystick button 1, space or mouse left button.
Pause - Joystick button 2, ESC or mouse right button.
F10 - Toggles frame display on/off.
F12 - Saves a screenshot in the game folder.
Press fire to go right. Release to go left. Jet Boarder accelerates automatically, so be careful! Even for a one switch game, this game has tight controls.

Your objective is to reach the finish line before time runs out, or your energy is depleted. There are items that will help you, or not...