Paul's Blackjack is an amazing and real blackjack casino game! In this game you can customize your own player, choosing from 18 different characters (you can edit the name, age and the country of each character, so you can make your own player). You can save and load games, choose from 5 different levels to play (very easy, easy, normal, hard and very hard). The Dealer's voice on the blackjack table is real, making this game enjoyable and fun to play!
- Customize your own player!
- Choose from 18 different characters!
- Ability to edit name/age/country of any character!
- 5 different levels to choose from! (very easy, easy, normal, hard and very hard)
- Save/Load game options!
- Save game settings!
- Real Blackjack Dealer's Voice!
- Real Casino enviroment sounds!
- Cool Sound Effects!
- Based on real blackjack rules!
- And much more!
Like you can see, Paul's Blackjack is a fun game to play! Try it now!
Paul's Blackjack is Freeware, that means you dont need to buy a license for the game to play the full version, the game is already complete.
For: Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000 & XP
- Customize your own player!
- Choose from 18 different characters!
- Ability to edit name/age/country of any character!
- 5 different levels to choose from! (very easy, easy, normal, hard and very hard)
- Save/Load game options!
- Save game settings!
- Real Blackjack Dealer's Voice!
- Real Casino enviroment sounds!
- Cool Sound Effects!
- Based on real blackjack rules!
- And much more!
Like you can see, Paul's Blackjack is a fun game to play! Try it now!
Paul's Blackjack is Freeware, that means you dont need to buy a license for the game to play the full version, the game is already complete.
For: Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000 & XP