The Sol System, home of the humans, has been attacked by an unknown alien race - known now as the Virians. As they fight their way to Earth in a desperate attempt to destroy it, you follow closely in their tracks to stop them.
A closely held secret to the leaders of Earth's space division holds the reason as to why the Virians are trying to destroy Earth - a secret weapon the Virians are building, named, Quantum Shield. And Earth has the only way to stop it.
An advanced ship upgrade/weapons purchasing menu
12 unique, awesome weapons to buy + other upgrades
3 unique, interesting bosses
Amazing 3D rendered graphics and great sound effects
A gripping, original story
Mike's note:
An excellent game that showcases what GameMaker can do
A closely held secret to the leaders of Earth's space division holds the reason as to why the Virians are trying to destroy Earth - a secret weapon the Virians are building, named, Quantum Shield. And Earth has the only way to stop it.
An advanced ship upgrade/weapons purchasing menu
12 unique, awesome weapons to buy + other upgrades
3 unique, interesting bosses
Amazing 3D rendered graphics and great sound effects
A gripping, original story
Mike's note:
An excellent game that showcases what GameMaker can do