Author's note:
This remake has improved graphics but I decided to keep the same resolution (320*240) to keep it faithfull
to the original. Sound effects have also been slightly improved along with the addition of music. I've
tried to keep the gameplay as close to the original as possible.
The only addition to the gameplay is the boss battles, which appear after every five waves. This is my own
edition and has nothing to do with the original.. Just thought it would be cool to have bosses
W,S,A,D - Move Player
Cursor Keys - Shoot (You can shoot diagonally by holding down two cursor keys at once)
F12 - Take Screenshot (These will be stored in the "ScreenShots" folder)
ESC - Quit to title screen. (Press ESC again to quit to windows)
D-Pad - Move Player
Button 1 - Fire North
Button 2 - Fire East
Button 3 - Fire South
Button 4 - Fire West
(As with keys, you can hold two buttons together to shoot diagonally)
This remake has improved graphics but I decided to keep the same resolution (320*240) to keep it faithfull
to the original. Sound effects have also been slightly improved along with the addition of music. I've
tried to keep the gameplay as close to the original as possible.
The only addition to the gameplay is the boss battles, which appear after every five waves. This is my own
edition and has nothing to do with the original.. Just thought it would be cool to have bosses
W,S,A,D - Move Player
Cursor Keys - Shoot (You can shoot diagonally by holding down two cursor keys at once)
F12 - Take Screenshot (These will be stored in the "ScreenShots" folder)
ESC - Quit to title screen. (Press ESC again to quit to windows)
D-Pad - Move Player
Button 1 - Fire North
Button 2 - Fire East
Button 3 - Fire South
Button 4 - Fire West
(As with keys, you can hold two buttons together to shoot diagonally)