Author's note:
The new Top Sword is sporting some (in my opinion) pretty cool and more complex features then I could program before.
Top Sword is a Role Playing Game i've been working on for some time now, some of you may have played the old version on my website a while back.. Well, i decided to rebuild the engine from scratch. So here it is!
Such additions are:
+ Journal for saving up to 6 current quests and adding your own journal entries in-game.
+Improved Conversation engine allowing for multiple questions to be asked by one character with the possibility of non yes-no answers.
+New inventory screen allowing for 20 of three item types "Misc","Battle" and "Quest"
+New Saving Engine that allows for the fact that you may not have wanted to save your progress and can revert to the last save if you don't save instead of forcing a save on exit like the old engine.
+New levelling up engine that shows cumulative experience gains on screen (e.g 40+50+10 exp gains within 20 seconds will show as "100 Experience Gained")
And much more tidbits and things i've probably forgotten to mention!
Arrow Keys - Move Player
Shift - Interact with world
Ctrl - Access Menu/Cancel
Enter - Access Quick Information Screen/Confirm Actions
Test Controls:
Press "n" for 15 EXP
The new Top Sword is sporting some (in my opinion) pretty cool and more complex features then I could program before.
Top Sword is a Role Playing Game i've been working on for some time now, some of you may have played the old version on my website a while back.. Well, i decided to rebuild the engine from scratch. So here it is!
Such additions are:
+ Journal for saving up to 6 current quests and adding your own journal entries in-game.
+Improved Conversation engine allowing for multiple questions to be asked by one character with the possibility of non yes-no answers.
+New inventory screen allowing for 20 of three item types "Misc","Battle" and "Quest"
+New Saving Engine that allows for the fact that you may not have wanted to save your progress and can revert to the last save if you don't save instead of forcing a save on exit like the old engine.
+New levelling up engine that shows cumulative experience gains on screen (e.g 40+50+10 exp gains within 20 seconds will show as "100 Experience Gained")
And much more tidbits and things i've probably forgotten to mention!
Arrow Keys - Move Player
Shift - Interact with world
Ctrl - Access Menu/Cancel
Enter - Access Quick Information Screen/Confirm Actions
Test Controls:
Press "n" for 15 EXP