War Pong 1.0

Arcade 3.37 Mb Freeware

This is not a normal Pong game. In this game you have to attack enemies with your army. At the same time, you play Pong to help your soldiers.

Author's note:

The goal: You have to destroy the Enemy Generator. There are 7 Enemy in this game and 7different IA.

How: Only your soldiers can destroy the Enemy Generator so you have to help them.

Your Generator is at your right, and the Enemy Generator is at your left. You can create soldiers with your Generator. To do that, you must throw the ball over the Enemy bar ( 1 soldier will be created ) or when you throw the ball inside the Enemy territory ( When you do that, 3 soldiers are created instead of 1 ). When you have more than 10 soldiers, you can only create them when you throw the ball inside the Enemy territory. It is the same thing for the Enemy.

All stats are at the same side as Generators are. So you can check here some useful stats about the attack power of your soldiers, and their speed.

To upgrade your soldiers, you must throw the ball over items that appear when you break a blue box.

You can found weapons. They are in red boxes and to take them you must throw the ball over red boxes.

When your bar hit the ball, it goes in the direction of the mouse.


Right mouse click: Use Weapon
Left mouse click: Charge attack
Left button: Move left
Right button: Move right
About this file
Homepage http://www.demonews.com/page.php?id=8
File Size 3.37 Mb
Operating Systems Windows
License Freeware
Price -

This is not a normal Pong game. In this game you have to attack enemies with your army. At the same time, you play Pong to help your soldiers.

Author's note:

The goal: You have to destroy the Enemy Generator. There are 7 Enemy in this game and 7different IA.

How: Only your soldiers can destroy the Enemy Generator so you have to help them.

Your Generator is at your right, and the Enemy Generator is at your left. You can create soldiers with your Generator. To do that, you must throw the ball over the Enemy bar ( 1 soldier will be created ) or when you throw the ball inside the Enemy territory ( When you do that, 3 soldiers are created instead of 1 ). When you have more than 10 soldiers, you can only create them when you throw the ball inside the Enemy territory. It is the same thing for the Enemy.

All stats are at the same side as Generators are. So you can check here some useful stats about the attack power of your soldiers, and their speed.

To upgrade your soldiers, you must throw the ball over items that appear when you break a blue box.

You can found weapons. They are in red boxes and to take them you must throw the ball over red boxes.

When your bar hit the ball, it goes in the direction of the mouse.


Right mouse click: Use Weapon
Left mouse click: Charge attack
Left button: Move left
Right button: Move right